
We watched a show about a man who was brushed off by his paramour who called him dull as dishwater and refused to love him. Sensing that her view derived from his premature baldness, he ventured to a wig maker to transform the way he looked in the hope of becoming interesting. Our hero began to capture the attention of an even more compelling woman who found him spectacular, especially as a person skilled in sailing, as his allowed her to believe over a series of drinks. Problems ensued as he found himself purchasing a sailboat he had no idea how to navigate. As we watched the story, suddenly a text arrived on my phone showing Jim Gaffigan sharing the near-universal tendency of people to associate good looks with goodness itself, including talent, prospects, and a positive track record. After this full evening, we viewers grabbed at mirrors littering the room and told ourselves we had won what Warren Buffet terms "the ovarian lottery."  


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